Monday, October 29, 2012

Needed rest

My knee is tired and the rest of my body is exhausted and so today I will rest!  Sometimes you just have to!  Crazy how in my lack of sleep and pain I reach for those carbs...why is that? Glad each day provides a do over in life.
 Ice is on the knee and it is elevated..two steps forward and one step back...sometimes the healing process seems so slow.  Thank God for friends...coworkers who love me  right where I am at in today and who encourage and come alongside me to share in the work. A smile, a hug, a jumping up to help before I can move....
Even in the trials, each day remains a gift, full of joy waiting to be uncovered.  Sometimes I forget rest is key to health.  I want to leave you with that simple thought for today.
'Be still and know that I am God"...He says...and so I shall.

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